The origins
The National Association of Politically Persecuted Anti-Fascist Italians – ANPPIA was founded in 1945, the result of the fusion of numerous regional and provincial groups, committees and organizations that had been created at the end of the war by those who had endured various forms of persecution under fascism.
It aimed to bring together all those who had opposed the fascist regime, from its rise to its fall and to represent their values and issues. They had been through imprisonment, confinement, exile and many other forms of persecution. It was necessary to keep a historical record of all this, give testimony and recount it so that it would not be forgotten or manipulated. Since its foundation, ANPPIA has been characterized by the fact that it is a united association open to all Anti-Fascists of differing political and cultural beliefs.
The first President was Umberto Terracini, President of the Constituent Assembly.
In 1954 ANPPIA founded the newspaper “l’antifascista” which is still published regularly. The first director was Sandro Pertini.
ANPPIA today
Even today, the Association is committed to promoting and defending the values of Democracy, Freedom and Social Justice, the very same that motivated the Anti-Fascists and which are the foundations of the Italian Constitution. The Association fights against every initiative that references fascist ideology, on an international, national and local scale.
Why contact ANPPIA
The Association is a reference point for all those studying and learning more about the history of Italy and the Italians who fought against fascism in Italy and in the whole of Europe.
Available to historians, researchers and students: